for Custom Bid Login 

Password  (ID: 1188)   Question  
This is the user's login password. Enter it without punctuation or spaces. It is case sensitive, for example, "BigJoe" will not allow access if the password was set as "Bigjoe".

If you can make the words come from different languages the user knows, for example, joegrande, you will have a better password. Although mixed case passwords are more secure, they are also easier to forget, so not recommended. Use at least 6 characters.

Following convention, what is typed displays as asterisks so no one can see the password on the user's monitor. Because the password fields are asterisks, a sys admin cannot respond to the common problem of a user forgetting their password. You can, however, change a user's password through this form to whatever they wish (which of course they can remember).

Each user is responsible to keep their password secret. Leaving it around a desk or on Post-It notes allows others to access the account. Pretending to be you, they could do anything you could do, and it would appear to everyone as though you had done it. You are responsible for whatever anyone does in your name, even if they obtained your password from you without your permission.

Tip: Go to your Users option every 3 months and change your password.

Keywords: Field Definitions (All), Security

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