The Basic Overflight Report is selected from the FlightAware data based on the following selection conditions: 1) The aircraft's altitude to be under an integer entered into the altitude field in feet on the "Run Report" popup. 2) The aircraft's timestamp to be within the date range also specified on the "Run Report" popup. 3) The aircraft position is included only if its latitude and longitude values are to be within a rectangle bounded by the lat/long corners of the following named picklist values: Aurora Airport 45.25933318283682, -122.7736991576585 45.23757920773404, -122.7639144599576 Aurora, City 45.2381234149363, -122.7658431985752 45.2202653077807, -122.7519131586575 Barlow, City 45.2599783584689, -122.7311616575065 45.2496246365395, -122.7166110409246 Charbonneau, North (aka C1) 45.2955804570582, -122.7759926684878 45.2848374763063, -122.7373240490177 Charbonneau, South (aka C2) 45.2854873111829, -122.7689732056948 45.2748290790690, -122.7510551033607 Deer Creek Estates 45.2421525548481, -122.7850385866011 45.2350733732650, -122.7744812740526 Wilsonville, East (aka W3) 45.3187791430039, -122.7691871981864 45.2960641769303, -122.7441514303363 Wilsonville, North (aka W1) 45.3408924729827, -122.7852303829239 45.3175081888770, -122.7535874537104 Wilsonville, South (aka W4) 45.2956338672520, -122.7691279453777 45.2831435435682, -122.7465458718642 Wilsonville, West (aka W2) 45.3174513647204, -122.8086733204124 45.2920262847385, -122.7691792970773 All 45.3174513647204, -122.8086733204124 45.2202653077807, -122.7166110409246 All report rows are sorted by most recent at the top. If more than one aircraft position record matches the selection criteria, only the latest is posted to the report to avoid counting the same flight more than once. Note that the same flight exiting the specified airspace rectangle and then re-entering will be counted twice. Check the help for each column header in the table for help about that column. Using the icon along the top, any report can be exported into a MS Excel spreadsheet where you can rearrange and resort columns, produce (sub)totals and graphs, and do analysis such as trend analysis.